I used to hate Grey's Anatomy. Seriously. Over-dramatic and unrealistic plot lines, in-your-face sexuality, obscure characters, and a cheapened portrayal of the medical world. I watched one episode and swore to never watch it again for reasons of morality and self-righteousness.
But then in the work world, I realized that Friday conversations were dominated by what happened on the show the night before. So for the sake of community, I began to watch the show that I dreaded years before. And perhaps it was due to my own coming to grips with the beauty of brokenness that I became not only a habitual watcher of Grey's, but I have to identify greatly with the characters.
As a character-driven drama, Grey's forces us to take a good look at humanity. Somehow admist the incredulousness (and ridiculousness) of the show, deep truths are revealed. Izzie's speech on how "belief makes things real," Meredith's affirmation of brokenness and woundedness, Derek's ability to love Meredith for who she is by saying "Meredith, I want your crappy babies." There are so many quotables from the show that reveal the depth of our deep brokenness and our need for healing. Ever noticed that so much of the show's soundtrack is actually made up of Christian artists who comment so beautifully on brokenness (Derek Webb, Mat Kearney, The Fray). This particular show is also one of the most culturally diverse which reminds me to not white-wash the Kingdom.
It has been such a joy to find God in the scenes of Grey's. I'm so thankful that the show has been redemptive for me. No longer does television mean morality and perfection, but this show brings me my humanity and helps to strip me of my self-righteousness. Like the little kid at the communion table today grabbing for his hunk of bread, we're all needy and broken and that is a central part of our identity--broken and needy before God.
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