I know, another MJ post. I'm just as annoyed with my fascination as you probably are. But as I've been revealing in my posts over the last few weeks is that there just might be a deeper reason as to why I'm so fascinated with Michael Jackson.
I youtubed "michael jackson" and "charity" and I watched this gutwrenching video of MJ spending time with little children, the sick, the elderly, and the poor. These were not just the sick of our nation of the sick of the poorest places on Earth for a good publicity photo, but these clips came from around the world. A kiss on the head to child whose burned and mutilated face was wrapped in cloth or a child with a bald chemo head. A nudging hand across the emaciated cheek of a starving child. Christmas gifts given to each child with a hug and a kiss. Michael making funny gestures to make a child laugh through their pain.
Tears began to roll down my cheek. For a few moments I didn't see the King of Pop, but the King of Kings. Surely those actions remind me of the Jesus I know, the Jesus who I want to know deeper and the Jesus I want to emulate.
As I prepare for two weeks in Uganda, I'm both haunted and encouraged by the love of these two men. Can I love like that? Can I put my own tender body into the path of the sick? Can I have the imagination and the hope to cheer up small children? Will I have the courage to touch and to kiss bodies that no longer seem to be capable of harboring human life?
This is what it looks like to follow Jesus. I'm thankful for these visual reminders of the possible so that I can drawer nearer to truthful and couragous faith.
Other noteworthy ways of seeing Jesus in MJ:
--"We Are the World" I don't think it really can be said enough, but MJ gave much of his money to charity
--Although the relationship between Jackson, Neverland and children has been tainted by scandal, I find myself in awe that the glamorous lifestyle that Jackson enjoyed was ALWAys shared with the less fortunate. I LOVE that underpriviledged kids got to experience the wonder of childhood and amusement because MJ opened his home to them.
--It may have led to his downfall, but MJ was an advocate for the sick. He was often known for footing the bill for folks who couldn't afford their expensive medical needs.
--Most common place that paparazzi would find MJ in his final years: taking his kids to the zoo or Barnes and Noble. Gotta love the quality time between parent and child.
--I think most theologians would get a kick out of his lyrics: for the sin problem all of the worlds problems start with "the man in the mirror," in "heal the world" he asks for the nations to turn their swords into plowshares, in "earth song" we see him calling for the restoration of the world that God had put man in charge of--the song and video are definately charged with biblical imagery. There are so many other songs I could mention, but I'll leave it there to encourage you to find some of these things on your own.
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