Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Favorite Fair Trade Stores

1. Ten Thousand Villages
Shop items from all around the world! Their jewelry and home items top my list. So far, I think most of the items I have purchased or recieved come from India.

2. Amani Ya Juu
Support this ministry in East Africa that provides jobs for women. I first learned about this place when the gift shop used to be located in downtown, smalltown L-town. I've had the blessing of getting to hang out with these women when they came to Charlotte for a fashion show. My cousin Anna got to visit our friends there in Kenya on her way to Rwanda!

3. One World Market
My favorite store in Durham. Even if you don't plan on buying anything, it is so fun to stroll through this wonderfully decorated shop, especially at Christmas time.

4. Uganda Crafts 2000, Ltd.
An abundance of Ugandan crafts. Their baskets are fantastic! I learned about them through #1 and 3.

5. Sari Bari
Thanks to Phileena Heurtz of Word Made Flesh, I was introduced to this site which sells authentic Indian crafts from saris. The creations are made by women as a means of offering an alternative lifestyle to prostitution and as a respite from the chaos of poverty in the Indian barrio.

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